Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010, Here I Come!

Oh, what a night{s}.  Just in case you’re mildly concerned, this is not an R rated post.

We’ve had a rollercoaster few days.

The 31st was spent in our usual New Years Eve fashion…with fabulous friends of ours from the more Easterly side of the State {and Ohio}.  For the 4th year in a row, we spent the night {which I just have to say…is fabulous…there are only two friend’s homes our entire family has successfully spent the night at…and it’s incredibly comforting to know we can still participate in sleep-overs even at our ripe “old” age} playing wii, talking, laughing and eating into the wee hours of the morning {while the little ones slept peacefully}.

12:01am, 2010 {okay, actually 12:00:36} was enjoyed alongside my hubby with a kiss, a cup of steaming hot coffee and a pretzel wrapped in caramel, enveloped in chocolate, and sprinkled perfectly with the most decadent mint chocolate pieces ever created.  Complete and utter bliss {drool}.

We double-dipped in the fellowship pool the next day with our precious friends {who just so happen to be some of our favorite people on the planet}, chatting about everything from potty-training and pregnancy to coupons and complacency.  It was glorious.

The following few days, however, blur together a little, with certain vomitous events standing out.  Yuck.

It seems someone brought a bug to the New Year’s Eve party and so far 7 people have been hit hard.  Ali was up all night vomiting; we went through 3 pairs of pajamas, 2 pillow cases and 2 beds {hers, and then she ended up in ours so we could keep a close eye on her}. 

She is much better today {Sunday}, but now Joe is down for the count.  He was terribly sick last night, spending most of the time sitting on the loo with a bowl in his lap.  This is only the second time in our 7 years together that he’s been so sick that he throws-up…and it violently beats his body to a pulp.  You would think he’s dying.  And he’s quite certain he is. 

While I bowed down to the porcelain God a few times today myself, I’m feeling stellar in comparison to him.  Besides, what mother gets a sick day anyway?  The show must go on!

I’m praying Aiden doesn’t get hit with this virus {or whatever it is} as it would wreck his little body, and complicate the intake of his heart medication.  Oh well, worrying accomplishes nothing, and God’s in control any who.  Moving right along.

While we’ve all been feeling a little out of it lately, and it’s so stinking cold outside we’re somewhat cooped up…we’re very excited for what this new year holds!

My baby sister flies out to Ghana for a 4 month study abroad next Sunday {January 10th}, and Joe returns to his dream job the next day {Monday}. 

We will start looking for a home {in Hemlock, just between Alma – where my parents will be – and Saginaw} at the end of January.  We are still not really sure what to do as far as a new home is concerned.  Still owning a home in Lansing {that didn’t sell after a year and a half on the market}, and working for an unpredictable State, leaves us in somewhat of an uncomfortable position.  We don’t want to move again, so it seems a temporary apartment is out, but we’re not sure whether it’s wise to buy again.  We don’t want to be stuck owning two homes if Joe is laid off again, or relocated {which is possible, but highly unlikely}. 

So…again, we wait and pray, and trust and wait some more.

The fact remains…we’re going somewhere {home-like}, at some point in time in the relatively near future…and that’s enough to have me excited!! 

I’m semi-concerned that a few of my belongings in the storage unit have frozen and exploded…seeing we never intended our stuff to be in there during these frigid months.  But then again, we didn’t anticipate needing any of our baby stuff either.  So much for that timeline, eh? 

Just more opportunity to practice not sweating the small stuff {does exploded lotion and essential oil really matter in the long run?} and yet another opportunity to work on trusting God to take care of even the small, {seemingly} insignificant details of our lives.

I have LOADS of things I’m excited to work on during this new year…everything from the usual spiritual growth and physical fitness {consistency, consistency, consistency} to learning to sew, becoming a more adventurous cook, and learning how to save delicious amounts of money by watching sales and clipping coupons.

I {we} need to work on sticking to a budget and cutting down on impulse purchases.  I want to be a wise steward of our money.

I want to ice skate, I want to sled, I want to jump at the opportunity to get soaked and dance in the rain with my daughter more often {spontaneity}. 

I want to be more outwardly focused {less self-centered}, I need to learn how to serve others more, and to be more generous with what God gives me, be it much or be it little {time, money, material things, compassion, etc}. 

I want to grow as a mother, and as a wife {I need to work on being a more intentional initiator of intimacy…bow chicka bow bow}. 

I want to have people over for dinner more often {seeing I love hosting people in my home}…whether it’s clean or not, and whether we’re having steak or mac n’ cheese {worrying less about impressing people}. 

I want to be more honest, while remaining gracious and tactful. 

I want to be more adventurous, and less afraid of failure.

I want to manage my time more wisely. 

I want to {with my husband’s urging} explore some sort of weekly childcare, or babysitter {just a few hours, a few times a week} so I can actually accomplish more around the house, grocery shop in peace, have alone time, and put more time into my design business.

I want to invest in my friendships more, taking the initiative to send cards on birthdays and making the time to celebrate them as individuals.

I want to be a gracious, patient, loving daughter, and an understanding, available, compassionate sister.

I want to learn how to plant a fabulous vegetable garden with my hubby and daughter and enjoy it’s harvest.

I want to stay up on my {darn} laundry – you’d think after this many years of doing it, I’d have a better system in place.  You’d think.

I want to make time to read more.  I like buying books.  Now I need to work on reading them.

I want to love people more extravagantly, be still and listen to the Father’s heart more consistently, and become a better listener overall {this, unfortunately, involves talking less}.

I want to get healthy, lose the excess baby weight and feel good in my skin {I’d say “again”, but sadly, I’ve never been happy in my body.  Something to work on}.

I want to take the time to sit down and write someone a note…just to let them know I’m thinking about them.  Just because.  I have plenty of notecards, I just have to use them.

I want to step out of my comfort zone more…whether it’s praying for the sick, confronting an issue with a friend, or volunteering to take on something I’m not good at.

I want to procrastinate less, and live in the moment more. 

There is so much I need…no, want…to work on that your eyeballs would begin to spasm if I were to attempt to write it all, and if you were to attempt to read it all.

In short…

I want to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST in 2010

Not because I feel I have to, or should…but simply because I can!  All because of the stunning sacrifice that was made on a Roman cross over 2000 years ago.  I don’t want to take life, or His ultimate gift, for granted.

Life is too short to waste on our silly offenses, petty problems, self-centered concerns and expanding rear-ends.

Nothing is stopping me from living life to the fullest but my own laziness, emotional baggage, complacency and fear. 

I’m ready to change that.

Care to join me?

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