Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day {Accidental} 40: I Think I Would Like A Tail

Today has been a fun one; full of laughter, clearance shopping, and a 3D extravaganza.  Okay, coveting just a wee bit too {just mildly. Okay, not really}.

Along with spending time with a good friend this morning {yay for a well-behaved, sharing 2 1/2 year old ~ I just fall in love with her a little more when she’s such a gem with her friends}, we hit Aldi’s {love!} and scored a fantabulous storage system for Ali’s room {in her new room, of course…in the new house…wherever, whenever that might be}, and then swung by Target to scope out their after-Christmas sales.  We walked away with a few fun, cheap deals.  Like a killer 6-pack of mini stamps for a buck, an adorable Christmas tea-set and a gorgeous trio of shiny, silver flowers that I can’t wait to stick in the wall {again, for the new house, of course…blah blah blah} for $3.50.

Oooh, I love a good deal!

I also snagged a funky little purple squirt bottle that, upon arriving home, received a dollop of conditioner and then got loaded with water.  We now own a handy-dandy curly hair tamer than I fully intend to use every time that fuzzy, sleepy head lifts from it’s pillow.  You should see my daughter’s hair when she wakes up…it’s wild

But the taming, she comes.

Because we were out and about at lunch time, we splurged {not monetarily…but caloriearily.  Ha.  That’s so not a word} and hit the Burger King drive-thru.  We shared burgers and fries.  Shhh, don’t tell anyone.  It’s so good…and yet, so bad.  We eat fast food seldom enough that it actually tastes good when we do indulge.  But sure enough the sneaky after-shock knowledge of fat and calorie consumption just steals all the enjoyment.  Blech.

Speaking of stealing the joy, Ali is currently very needy.  Not in the clingy sense of the word, but simply in regard to frequency of use.  Every few minutes she’s saying she “needs” something.  Everything, actually.  From a peanut butter sandwich to a Christmas martini shaker, she’s apparently in need. 

“Mommy, what is this?”.  “It’s a green storage tote, darling”.  “I n-e-e-d a tote, mommy”.  “No, love, you don’t n-e-e-d a tote.  You’ll survive without it, I promise”.  “But I n e-e-d a tote”…and on it goes {add whiney sound for more accurate interpretation}“

I’m beginning to think mommy n-e-e-d-s a timeout.  A very long one.  Do I get a glass of wine during time-out.  Just askin’.

Before Ali gets cranky {when tired} she get a little loopy.  And talkative.  She told me on the way home that {paraphrased} “she was going to fly soon in an airplane to Nineveh, go to a store to buy me ice-cream, asked if I wanted to join her, and then promptly told me I couldn’t go.  I was too big.

After the long, albeit funny, trek home {sometimes 15 minutes in the car seems like a Transamerican journey}, with Ali needing a tic-tac like her little life depended on it, it was 2:45pm. 

I just love coming home right in time for naptime.  It’s wickedly delicious.  A fun, full morning…and then peace. 

Aaaah, nap time, how I love thee.

Skip forward a few hours.

We had a friend over for dinner {actually a guy friend of my baby sister’s – super, nice guy!} and supped on grilled lamb with mint jelly, steamed veggies and roasted, rosemary potatoes.  Oh, food.  Glorious food.

I often marvel at how much God must love us to have given us such a broad selection of foods…sweet, sour, savory, salty, spicy. 

And to think He could have just created us to hook up to a nutrition pipe {a master NG tube, if you will} and be nourished that way.  Boring and purely practical. 

But instead He gave us tongues and taste-buds, the ability to enjoy different textures and temperatures, and the capability to assemble stunning food creations and combinations.  How magical is that?!?  The whole concept of being able to enjoy food, not to mention the joy of socializing over a meal together, is brilliant. 

Food, as we experience it, is totally a gift from above.

I digress.  As usual.

My younger sisters, Ruthie’s friend {Twistin, as my daughter calls him} and I then slipped away to experience the movie, Avatar, in 3D.  After my dad and hubby saw it a few days ago, we’ve been counting down the days until it was “our turn” tonight.

Goodness gracious me.  What an absolutely marvelous movie.  I don’t even know where to start on this one… so I’ll close with these incredibly deep thoughts:

I suddenly have a strong desire to sprout cute, pointy ears…to sport magical, luminescent freckles…and holy moly, they make tails look hot.

I’m thinking I’d really like a tail. 

Is that weird? 

{Don’t answer that}

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