Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 24: Toilets and Trees and Friends, oh my!

It struck me, while peeing at a friends house this morning {in the toilet, in case you were tempted to wonder} ~ with the door wide open ~ just how different the dynamics of my friendships are.

I know, its an unusual place to ponder these things, but you’d be surprised to discover just how much of my deep thinking happens in that little room of relief and hygiene.  The steam from a hot shower inevitably gets my noggin working, and this morning, while sitting on the loo with the door wide open, continuing a conversation, I got to thinking.

Not one of my friendships is alike.  I’m not talking about my friends being different – that’s a no-brainer – but the actual flavor of the friendship we share.  There are so many wonderful women in my life who share the same marital status, mommy status, the same faith and values, even similar passions and hobbies…and yet even with all we have in common, what I share with one is so different from another.  And it’s glorious!

Our relationships with our husbands are vastly different, despite sharing an unconditional love for them and a desire to grow old beside them. 

Our parenting styles – while they share a common goal {raising quality, compassionate, unique human beings who love the Lord and love on others} – take different roads to get there in our everyday parenting style or discipline techniques.  It’s not wrong, it’s just different.

We all want our homes to be warm, comfortable, beautiful and an expression of ourselves…and they’re all so very different.

What one friend and I may consider a roaring time, another friend and I wouldn’t even consider doing together. 

Not because I’m inconsistent or two-faced, but because my friendships are like the people they are shared with…completely unique, and wildly beautiful.

I simply adore the women in my life, and I’m newly aware, and appreciate, of how different they all are…and how different our friendships are.  They truly add spice to my life.

Back to peeing with the door open.

While I wouldn’t think twice about chatting and leaving the door open while sitting on the loo at many friend’s homes {and they did it at mine before the risk of even more of my family members walking in on them was an issue}, at the homes of other friends {whom I’m still very close to}, it just wouldn’t feel comfortable.

Friends.  All learning.  All growing.  All beautiful.  All precious.

All so very, very different.

Sitting here with the {interesting} Christmas tree before me, it bares a striking resemblance to my life.  Messy.  Beautiful.  Colorful.  Sparkly.  With a hint of Gaudiness.

More striking is the friends the different ornaments bring to mind…

The classy white ball with pearls and just a smidge of glitter…the refined, well-behaved friend who gets more beautiful with time and has a way of reminding me of the importance of purity and simplicity.

The rustic tin and wire ornament we brought back from South Africa…the unpretentious, rough-around-the-edges friend who’s just down-right awesome, loves Jesus is raw, unorthodox ways and challenges me to be more authentic.

The simple glass bulb…the sweet, uncomplicated friend who has taught me the power of transparency, and has this natural ability to multiply the glow from the little light behind it.

The crazy ornate, purple glittery thing…the gorgeous friend who is a stunning example of modest glamour, sassy spunk and a vivacious spirit.

The old, half-eaten, hand made ornament from years ago…the friend I’ve known for my entire time here in the states that just make me smile at the thought of her.

The furry, green Grinch with the flashing red heart…well, you know who you are {just kidding}

The little stitched tea-cup ornament…the friend who, over a cup of tea, is just warm, real and fabulous.

The little red ball that has ridiculous white snowflakes and tinsel glued to it {ummm, Rebecca?}…a friend who without fail makes me laugh and is guaranteed to be delightful company.

The little glass angel…the quieter, tender-hearted gal who always has service projects in the works.

And those are just 10% of the ornaments that adorn this great green tree. 

We won’t talk about the lametta.  We just won’t.  Ugh.

These ravishing women.  These delightful friends.  They are the gorgonzola, red onion, pine-nuts and pecans that turn a boring salad into a delectable one.  One that would make even the most dedicated meat-eater consider going vegetarian. 

These women love me the way I am, they challenge me to be better than I am, they make me laugh, they make me cry, they offer wisdom, and seek counsel. 

It is these women who make up the eclectic, colorful world I get to live in, and I absobloominlutely love it!

“I thank my God every time I remember you…” Philippians 1:3

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