Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 14: A Little Blurry

I love the way God uses simple, little things in our everyday lives to teach us profound stuff?  If, of course, we’ll listen.

I’m convinced God speaks constantly to our hearts, but there is so much noise and busyness clanging around in my mind that it drowns out the quiet, still voice in our hearts.

During this 40 day stint, one of my objectives is to intentionally listen for that voice a little harder…to be still and just listen. 

This is, as you can imagine, exceptionally hard for me.  I’m constantly talking to myself, and I’m sure I talk louder than God…unless, of course, He really wants me to hear something {then it’s pretty stinkin’ clear}. 

My mental chaos includes a cacophony of conversations: I rehearse things I want to say, I replay things other people have said, I complain, I celebrate, I plan, I fret, and I talk often to the Lord {the problem, however, with my conversations is they tend to be one-sided…I don’t usually wait for a reply.  I just run at the mouth}.

I believe God frequently uses people, scripture, our kids, nature and a myriad of other things to communicate precious nuggets and convicting truths to our hearts.

For instance…this morning when I grabbed my camera to snap some shots of Alathea about to experience her first snowfall as a vivacious toddler.  She had shrieked at the sight of the beautiful snow and was out on the deck, in her slippers, before she’d even gotten dressed or had breakfast. 

She was tickled pink.  Literally.  She was pink from the cold when she finally staggered back inside.

As soon as I turned the camera on I recalled being disappointed at how blurry some shots I’d taken the day before had turned out.  While playing with them in photoshop I wondered…was it the lighting?  Was it the way the sun was hitting her face?  Did I bump the contrast or saturation toggle up too high?

And then it hit me…turn the camera around and look at the lens.

Sure enough, my little lady had been doing some self-portraiture and, with no concept of distance, had held the camera right up to her face, resulting in the nose grease on the lens.  Slap in the middle, causing that annoying blur on my photos.

Immediately I felt as though the Lord was showing me something about myself.

I’m often aware of little irritations or frustrations about silly things in my life…but these are simply symptoms to a deeper problem.

I have a little grease on my lens and it dramatically effects the way I view life, and often, people.  If I’m willing to let The Cameraman clean that lens for me, it will have a tremendous impact on the way I process the information that lens filters for me, without the blur. 

While I’m looking in the camera bag…I’m needing to get rid of a few heavily-used lenses: the greasy, blurry lens of judgment {the one that seems to pick up error in what I see…without acknowledging the yucky sludge on my end}, the green lens of envy, and the red lens of selfishness, just to mention a few.

In fact, I’m asking Him to replace them with one of those sparkly, special-effects lenses…you know the one, it puts big stars wherever it picks up light? 

His God goggles, if you will. 

Wouldn’t that be awesome?  To see people and situations the way He does…it would change everything!  And would rock my world.

So, that’s what I’m working on right now…and I’m taking courage in Philippians 1:6…”there has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.”

I’m beyond thrilled that He’s far from finished with me!  And I’m even more appreciative of the fact that He is so incredibly patient and gracious in the process.

In that case…bring in on! 

{click, click, click}

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