Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 25: Mastering Our Fate

I know, a hefty title for a little blog post.

But it’s inspired by the words of a powerful poem by William Ernest Henley.  Words that were passionately quoted by Nelson Mandela in his courageous fight to recreate his beloved South Africa.

Some of my family members and I watched the movie “Invictus” {with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon} today and were newly reminded of our love for our homeland.  Seeing panning footage of Cape Town with majestic Table Mountain in the background brought tears to our eyes and those tickley full-body goose-bumps. 

What a spectacular, breath-takingly beautiful country.  And while Michigan, and the United States, have most definitely made themselves a home in my heart, there is always a part of me that will consider South Africa my home. 

My passport may be from Namibia {just North-West of South Africa}, and believe me…I have a special place in my heart for that country…but it is South Africa that has ravished my heart. 

You can take the girl out of South Africa…but you’ll never get South Africa out of the girl.

While we loved watching a movie shot in our homeland, and so enjoyed listening to the accents {especially giggling at the fact that we were the only people in the theatre to understand the Afrikaans}, it was the story that just nabbed us. 

The stunning picture of persistence, prevailing in the face of failure, forgiveness and radical redemption {with the risk of dangerous opposition} newly reminded us of the importance of living a radical, love-inspired life.

It captured our hearts and lit our spirits on fire.

What a man Madiba {the affectionate title of respect Mandela acquired} was.  Despite 27 years in prison, he was a man of incredible passion, unquestionable humility, constant encouragement, strong conviction, forgiveness and enthusiasm.  He made our country what it is today.  What a tremendous amount we have to learn from this beloved leader.

What are you waiting for…?  Go watch the movie.  It’s brilliant.  And it’s about South Africa.  And it has two amazing American actors pulling off incredible accents.  What more could you possibly want?

And if you haven’t ditched this blog to go watch the movie, get this…

On a completely different note…God is awesome {well not completely different}.

We just bought a 1999 Grand Jeep Cherokee from the neighbor for $400.  My hubby is a rockin’ mechanic, so he’ll have that baby up and running in no time {may need a new engine but we’ve got great connections}.  So yay!  That was my dream car my senior year of high school.  11 years late, but hey.  Who’s counting?  Thanks God!

We also got an email from the Michigan State Police Troopers Association saying that they’re very possibly going to be bringing 28 laid-off Troopers back after the first of the year.  My hubby is 12 away from being recalled, so he’s definitely in that group.  While we’re not holding our breath {he’ll believe it when he’s back in blue with a gun on his hip}, we’re ridiculously encouraged and excited!  Again, awesome, thanks God!

And lastly, Joe got a call for an interview at a Saginaw area police department on Thursday.  Yipppeee, Papa!  When it rains, it seems to pour.

Things are moving along quite nicely, I must say…and in the right direction, none the less.  Always a good thing.  And how could they not when the guy in charge has been sweetly orchestrating all the minute details of this glorious plan behind the scenes.  Every. Last. Detail.

While some grow to see the light at the end of the tunnel as simply that of an oncoming train, I’m thinking the disco ball at the end of our dimly {romantically?} lit ballroom is spinning again quite nicely.  And I’m ready to grab my hot partner and take a whirl around the dance floor. 

Spring is indeed on the horizon.  Yes, it may still be a l-o-n-g while off, but I’m going to CHOOSE to find the beauty in the Wintery months still to come and trust my Creator to melt the ice and bring new life in His perfect time.

And when need be, I’ll ponder the words of this poem… keeping in mind the man who quoted them during his 27 long, hard, lonely years behind bars.  A man who, upon his release, made a radical impact on the world as we know it.

Rock on, Madiba…


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

~ William Ernest Henley

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